Exterior painting service paint my house omg construction services

Exterior painting is a critical aspect of maintaining the appearance and protection of your property. At JMG Construction Services, we understand the importance of a quality exterior paint job, which is why we follow a thorough process to ensure that your property looks great and is protected against the elements. Our team begins by power washing the surface to remove any dirt or debris, then we scrape off any loose or flaking paint, sand any rough areas, and apply a primer coat to seal the surface. This preparation work ensures that the final paint job will look smooth and last longer.

We use high-quality paints that are specifically designed for exterior use, as they are more durable and resistant to fading, chalking, and peeling. We also take care to use proper application techniques to achieve a consistent finish and avoid drips or runs. Our team is committed to providing excellent service and ensuring that you are completely satisfied with the finished product. Whether you need a fresh coat of paint for your home, business, or any other exterior surface, we have the expertise to get the job done right.

You can contact Us: (253) 331-0297 / (253) 331-0522 or just clic here